Thursday, May 2, 2013

What's Your Dosha? Using Essential Oils for Balance

Aryuveda is an ancient approach to healing, disease prevention and physical/emotional balance. The term Aryuveda means the "science or knowledge of life" and comes from the Vedas , which are the divine Hindu texts of knowledge in India. Treating their bodies like temples, the Indian monks believed that preserving their health would help them in their meditation and spiritual development. These monks collected information over many thousands of years of observations and preserved it for future generations. This approach is based on religion and culture as well as science.

 The key to the Aryuvedic method is balance. Balance of our mind, our body, and our spirit are essential to optimal wellness. In Ayurveda, every individual is unique and there is no diet or lifestyle routine that works for everyone. Ayurvedic practitioners focus on providing specific advice and guidance on how to maintain physical and emotional health. The only “medicine” in Aryuveda is food and lifestyle routines. An Aryuvedic practitioner will prescribe for you a recipe for change rather than “pills.”

The roots of Aryuveda are the five elements: air, fire, earth, water and space. All humans have some of the five elements within them. As we are all individuals, so are our Aryuvedic make-ups. These make-ups are called Doshas. There are three of them, and they are called vata (space and air), pitta (fire) and kapha (earth and water).


 Vāta is the impulse principle needed to mobilize the function of the nervous system. It affects flatulence, gout, rheumatism. • Pitta is the bile that is secreted between the stomach and bowels and flowing through the liver and going to the spleen, heart, eyes, and skin. It is the energy principle which uses bile to direct digestion and rev metabolism. Kapha relates to mucus, lubrication and the carrier of nutrients throughout the body. There are several questionnaires available to help you to discover your Primary Dosha. I recommend Deepak Chopra's here.  Once you know your dosha,  you can develop a plan of essential oils, food, habits and exercises that will help to maintain a balance within you.

Briefly, these are some of the physical and emotional characteristics associated with each dosha:
 • Vata: slim (thin), difficulty concentrating, gets cold easily, talkative, creative, quick thinking.
 • Kapha: corpulent, slow, thoughtful and loving, sleeps a lot.
 • Pitta: well-balanced figure, intelligent, organized, likes action and can be hot tempered.

So, where do Essential Oils fit in? Essences are often used to correct imbalances in the body.
Therefore it would make sense to use them when working to balance our doshas. Using the right Essences can not only balance one's dosha, but also reduce stress, and promote overall healing. As each dosha is associated with a different element, there are different Essences for each one.

Here are some recommendations:

Vata Dosha – (Space and Air)   Because Vatas tend to be cold and have dry skin and hair, they can be balanced using Essential Oils with sweet, warming and grounding scents such as amber, laurel (bay) leaf, bergamot, camphor, cardamom, chamomile, cinnamon, clary sage, eucalyptus, frankincense, ginger, jasmine, lavender, lemongrass, myrrh, neroli, patchouli, rosewood, sandalwood, sweet orange, tangerine, thyme, vanilla, vetiver, and ylang ylang. Vatas are also emotional and can get over excited, so calming oils like rose and geranium, are great and also may help with insomnia, a common problem for vatas. A sweet citrus scent like orange may also help balance energy.

Pitta Dosha – (Fire and Water)   The Pitta’s nature is hot, sharp and intense and therefore needs to be balanced with these cooling, soothing and calming Essences: birch, champa, coriander, fennel, lavender, lemon balm, lime, mandarin, myrtle, peppermint, pettigrain, spearmint, tangerine, tea tree, wintergreen, and yarrow. Since Pittas are passionate and intense, they can be subject to anger and jealousy when out of balance. In order to cool, clarify, and ease the mind, the best Essential Oils are sweet, bitter, or astringent like chamomile, lily, honeysuckle, iris, or jasmine.          

 Kapha Dosha – (Water and Earth)   The Kapha’s nature is cool, heavy and slow, balanced by using stimulating, warming and cleansing Essences such as angelica, anise, basil, laurel (bay) leaf, bergamot, birch, camphor, cardamom, cinnamon, clary sage, clove, cypress, ginger, grapefruit, hyssop, jasmine, juniper, lavender, lemon, lemongrass, lime, marjoram, neroli, myrrh, myrtle, petitgrain, rose, rosemary, sweet orange, tea tree, wintergreen, and yarrow. When kaphas are out of balance, they tend to be sluggish and more susceptible to depression. Therefore, more pungent and uplifting oils are the best recommendation for them such as eucalyptus, cedar, and pine. Also, peppermint is a stimulating odor that increases motivation to be physical.

 For a more in depth look at your dosha make up and a personal consultation, please visit us and inquire here.

 Disclaimer: This article was written for educational purposes only and is based on the tradition of Ayurveda. It is not intended to treat, diagnose, prescribe or heal any health condition or to replace standard medical treatment or advice.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

What Is A Pendulum And How Do I Use It??

All good Gypsies know that their Pendulum is a very special tool, and a must have! They are not only beautiful to look at, but also in the spiritual energy that surrounds them. Pendulums are beautiful tools used for many purposes. Some of these may include: making design choices, detecting unwanted negative energies, detecting imbalances in energy fields, finding misplaced items, choosing a pet, cleansing your Divination Cards, gauging the purity of your essential oils, making choices about which essential oils to use for a specific condition, and the list goes on. A pendulum uses a person's energy to answer questions. They are typically is made from a stone or crystal hanging from the end of a string or chain. Pendulum dowsing started more than 8,000 years ago. The ancient Egyptians provided the first recorded evidence of using a pendulum on a drawing dated at 4,000 years old, using them as a means of spiritual healing the same as we do today. It is best for a pendulum to choose its owner. When shopping for a pendulum, if you feel a strong pull towards a particular pendulum, you should try to go with that feeling rather than fight it. It is quite possible that your energy is more in tune with that specific pendulum than others. After receiving a new pendulum, it is important to cleanse it in order to free the pendulum from its "picked up energies". You can do this by soaking it in purified water and sea salt. Some pendulums swing clockwise and counter-clockwise, while others swing from side to side. Before you use your pendulum for the first time, get to know it by asking the pendulum to show its swing for yes by saying, "Show me yes." Do the same for “Show me no.” and "Show me neutral." It is imperative that prior to asking your questions, you focus your energy. This would be a good time to meditate or pray. Make sure to make a clear intention statement. Try and avoid preconceived notions or wishful thinking during this process, as that will alter the pendulum’s accuracy. Spirit answers through the subconscious. This is why it is important to be clear of unconscious blocks to spirit communication. If your subconscious has any fear of spirits, it will block spirit communication. If information is needed from other spirit levels, your Higher Self will ask for this and will then give that information to you. When holding the pendulum, use the thumb and forefinger to hold the chain about three or four inches above the pendulum. Relax your fingers and your forearm to help the pendulum move freely. You will want any movement of the hand or arm to be unconscious and not influenced by wishful thinking. In between questions, you will want to reset the energies from the previous question by completely stopping the pendulum's motion. If you are comfortable intuitively with the pendulum’s answer, you may accept it as accurate. If not, you can restate the question in a few different ways until you get a consistent answer that feels right. Finally, when finished, wash any bad energies from the pendulum with pure water and sea salt and safely keep it for a future time. Pendulum Bags are a great thing to have as they keep the pendulum protected and in a place of high regard. The pendulum uses a natural process of tuning into one's Higher Self. When focused, people can connect with the intuition many of us had as children. As you become more proficient and connected with your pendulum, the intuition becomes so strong that a "feeling" turns into a "knowing." You will be increasing your awareness and raising your consciousness to connect with your Higher Self.

Friday, March 15, 2013

The Future of Medicinal Aromatherapy- My Vision

 The year was 2012.  Six- year- old Pomona was staying with her Grandmother for the summer months, at her farm in Upstate New York.  Coming from the deserts of Southwestern Arizona, she looked forward to this time.  She loved to hide under the leaves of the magnificent Weeping Willow tree in Grandmother’s front yard.  


 She loved the shade of the White Oak, where she would sit against the trunk, feeling the comfort of the rough bark through her thin cotton dress.  She would read her books and listen to the birds singing in the trees.  She would scan the grass for four leaf clovers and call to the fairies to come and visit as she sat in the fields covered in Queen Anne’s Lace.  She would have many conversations with the bees and the butterflies flitting about the beautiful and delicate white flowers. In the evenings, Pomona and Grandmother would sit on the porch with their glasses of iced tea and plates of lemon cookies.  Grandmother would tell Pomona stories of the Star People and the ancient times before we arrived on this planet.  “I want to hear the poem again, please Grandmother,” Pomona would say, and Grandmother would recite the poem that was passed down from her grandfather about the ancient Star People, and their return to Mother Earth.

“Very long ago in the distant past, Mother Earth was whole and healthy, everyone lived in harmony with each other. There was an abundance of food and essentials. There were other beings who regularly exchanged knowledge with those who lived on and in our Mother Earth. These beings were the Star People
 There are many other civilizations out in the vast universe. They all came and traded with us in those far distant times of long ago. One thing that they were able to do besides soaring among the stars, was to see what is to be - much like when we have a vision during a vision quest. What they saw and shared with us was the coming of this age of ignorance that is upon us now.
 Knowing that the ancient wisdom would be misused and exploited and perverted to destructive ways, the people gathered the sacred power objects and concealed them in the womb of our Mother - in caverns and hidden places. This was done the whole world over . . .
The star people withdrew for a time, but only after making sure the power objects had been concealed. They appointed watchers to guard the entrances to the sacred sites. All of the secrets will be completely protected. Now as has happened in the past, earth changes are about to occur. Our Mother is greatly burdened. She is heavy as a woman long due with child. She will give birth and soon too. It will be within your season - that means within our lifetime. Of course as with all deliveries, there is pain:
When mother earth has contractions - We will perceive it as earthquakes . . .
When the waters break - We will perceive it as floods . . .
When the blood gushes - We will perceive it as lava from volcanoes . . .
There will also be energy changes, maybe a shifting of the poles. However, when the new life comes into being all that will be forgotten by the Mother. There must always be destruction of the old to bring forth the new. Young life feeds off old life, that is the way of the circle of life.
Afterwards comes a time of healing. The Mother and new child are cleaned and cared for. All rest easy.   The young one will grow from day to day. That is when the secret places will be opened. And the ancient wisdom renewed for the benefit of all. The Star People will return to our Mother and the times will be as in the long distant past. There will be celebrations in abundance throughout the universe. Choose not to harm, our mother is carrying us all. However one day she will shake herself and lessen this load. Many will not survive the changes. Be a helper. Do what you can to ease our mother's labor. It is fine to feel and share her pain. But you will also find ways to heal her wounds.”
(This poem was presented in a slide presentation Vision Quest by Fisheye with music by the Three Key Sound on 15th July 1997, at the Woodlands Art Gallery, Blackheath, London, England. The story was passed on to George C. Andrews in 1995, by a Native American Indian woman who claimed she was a UFO abductee. This poem had been passed down from her Grandfather.)

Pomona knew that the time was very near, and she was excited for Mother Earth to heal, and for we the people to return to our old ways.  She shivered and sniffled as her cough began to tickle her throat. 
“Is your cold getting worse, Dear One?” Grandmother asked.  Pomona nodded.  In her mere six years in this life, she was fortunate enough to have been raised with the healing powers of the plant and tree essences.  Every summer, she would drink in the wisdom of her Grandmother’s teachings as well as the wise words of the plants and trees themselves.
She went inside to the cupboard in Grandmother’s living room and looked among the bottles of Essences on the silver tray until she found the Cypress, the Eucalyptus and the Marjoram that were calling to her.  She went back out to the porch where Grandmother would anoint her with her loving, healing touch.  Pomona silently gave thanks to Creator and the Mother for being here at such a blessed time.

My idea of the future of Medicinal Aromatherapy is that it will again take its place as not the primary, but the only form of emotional, physical, and spiritual healing for humans.  I envision the coming Shift as humanity’s metamorphosis from caterpillar to magnificent butterfly, the return of the ways of the Star People.  This includes an eradication of all systems representing greed and deceit.  As we know, our current “health care” system is overrun with fraudulent claims of how synthetic pharmaceuticals can “cure” our ailments and massive cover-ups and attempts to block the knowledge of Mother Earth’s healing by inciting fear that the plant medicines will cause you harm, or by the government simply prohibiting their lawful use.  This is all done in an attempt to keep us asleep and unaware of their ultimate goal:  control, greed and money. 
In my vision, that “health care” system no longer exists, and the people’s sole means of healing comes from the plants and trees alone.  All of humanity will grow up as Pomona did, learning from their Elders the properties and beauties of every Essence.  They will know from Mother Earth and the Creator to be open to communication with Nature.  The toxins of man made pharmaceuticals will be a thing of the past, to be read about in history books as people shake their heads in disbelief.  

Hospitals will be called Centers of Healing, and the “Doctors” (Messengers from the Plant and Tree Kingdom) there will incorporate the emotional and spiritual healing with the physical with every visit.  The benefits of this natural healing will be known and experienced by the masses, not the few.  Using the Essences on a daily basis will be a way of life for all, leading to a bright, beautiful and healthy existence that all of us deserve.
Like Pomona, I give much thanks that I am here at this glorious time of transformation, and even more thanks that my Spirit Guides have re-introduced me to Medicinal Aromatherapy and the Essences at such a crucial time.  In doing so, they have re-introduced me to myself.  I understand my calling to bring this knowledge forward and to share it with as many as possible.  It is an honor.

                       She Who Heals- An American Indian Healing Prayer

Mother, sing me a song
That will ease my pain.
Mend broken bones,
Bring wholeness again.

Catch my babies
When they are born.
Sing my death song,
Teach me how to mourn.

Show me the Medicine of
The healing herbs,
The value of Spirit,
The way I can serve.

Mother, heal my heart, so
that I can see the gifts of
yours that can live through me.

For More Information on Medicinal Aromatherapy and to Order Wisdom of the Earth Essential Oils, click here.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Essential Oils and Fitness

So right now I am 23 days in to the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred Workout. Wow!! Jillian is really kicking my butt, and I am definitely seeing the results. No, I don't have a 6 pack, and I'm not feeling particularly "shredded", but I am more toned, stronger, and have more energy. One thing that has made this process so much easier has been incorporating Essential Oils into the whole process. I am a self proclaimed "Morning Work Out Person." With a 2 1/2 year old son, it's important to get that out of the way before he wakes up and monopolizes my day! However, by nature I am not necessarily a "Morning Person"! Therefore, I use a combination of my Beloved Oils to help wake me up and energize me pre workout. They are also there for me post-workout when my muscles remind me that I am over 40!! Wake Up Call- A few sniffs of Peppermint get me up and going Combined with several drops of Grapefruit in my water and I'm energized throughout my workout. If Grapefruit isn't your thing, you can substitute any Citrus oil. Eucalyptus opens my lungs and helps me to breathe easier during strenuous activity. Post Workout- I of course head to the shower with my Laurel Leaf and Lavender. A few drops of each on the Heart Chakra with the warm water is very rejuvenating! In Level 3 of the 30 Day Shred Jillian REALLY wreaks havoc on the shoulders so the past few days of my workout I've been massaging Marjoram, Clove Bud and Lemongrass into my sore muscles for instant relief. Essential Oils and exercise go together very well! For more information on how aromatherapy and Essential Oils can enhance your life, click here.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Even Gypsies Get The Blues

 January and February can be dismal months and yes; it’s true… even the most free spirited gypsies can feel a little down on a cold, wet, grey day. For sure, a little sunshine will help put that flight back into our Raven spirits and uplift us.  As all Ravens are “Tricksters”, essential oils can help us trick ourselves into thinking the sun is out by awakening our sense of smell and letting it guide us as to what brings us warmth, comfort and energy. 

How do you know if you have fallen victim to the so-called “Winter Blues” (also known as Seasonal Affect Disorder, or SAD)?  Here are some typical symptoms to look for:
               Fatigue & laziness, more hours of sleeping
                Increased appetite, especially junk foods
                Weight gain
                Staying indoors, loneliness
                Not wanting to go to work
                Difficulty concentrating

Sound familiar?  Look no further than our little friends in a bottle: pure medicinal grade Wisdom of the Earth Essential Oils.  Layering oils helps ground you.  It is uplifting and centering as well, helping to relieve stress and depression by stilling the mind from worry and agitation.
Some of the more effective layering combinations that I have found are:

·     Rose
·      Rosewood
·      Geranium
·      Frankincense
·      Lavender
·      Fragonia
·      Birch
·      Mexican Lime
·      Grapefruit
·      Nutmeg
·      Ginger
·      St. John’s Wort

Try a few drops over your heart chakra, on a tissue over your heat register, in a diffuser, or just in your palms of your hands for inhalation.  Sometimes I add a few drops to my hands and run them through my hair.  The aroma will stay with you all day!
Combine Aromatherapy with other techniques to help blast away the winter blues.  Activities such as breathing exercises, meditation, yoga, getting out more with your tribe, exercising, redecorating your space, and listening to calming music are great.

 How do you shake the winter blues?