Friday, March 8, 2013

Essential Oils and Fitness

So right now I am 23 days in to the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred Workout. Wow!! Jillian is really kicking my butt, and I am definitely seeing the results. No, I don't have a 6 pack, and I'm not feeling particularly "shredded", but I am more toned, stronger, and have more energy. One thing that has made this process so much easier has been incorporating Essential Oils into the whole process. I am a self proclaimed "Morning Work Out Person." With a 2 1/2 year old son, it's important to get that out of the way before he wakes up and monopolizes my day! However, by nature I am not necessarily a "Morning Person"! Therefore, I use a combination of my Beloved Oils to help wake me up and energize me pre workout. They are also there for me post-workout when my muscles remind me that I am over 40!! Wake Up Call- A few sniffs of Peppermint get me up and going Combined with several drops of Grapefruit in my water and I'm energized throughout my workout. If Grapefruit isn't your thing, you can substitute any Citrus oil. Eucalyptus opens my lungs and helps me to breathe easier during strenuous activity. Post Workout- I of course head to the shower with my Laurel Leaf and Lavender. A few drops of each on the Heart Chakra with the warm water is very rejuvenating! In Level 3 of the 30 Day Shred Jillian REALLY wreaks havoc on the shoulders so the past few days of my workout I've been massaging Marjoram, Clove Bud and Lemongrass into my sore muscles for instant relief. Essential Oils and exercise go together very well! For more information on how aromatherapy and Essential Oils can enhance your life, click here.

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